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property owner 地主,業主。

property tax

The key lies in creating a win - win situation for all - property owners , occupants , neighbours and society , thereby - 接下來的關鍵在于如何為業主住客鄰里和整體社會創造一個多贏的局面,從而:

Government departments concerned are committed to helping property owners and owners corporations take up their responsibilities 政府各有關部門會致力協助業主及業主立案法團肩負他們的責任。

A separate property tax return b . i . r . 57 or 58 in respect of that particular property will be issued by ird . notes to property owners 本局會就有關物業向業主發出物業稅報稅表b . i . r . 57或58 。

You can deal directly with a property owner or appoint a licensed estate agent to help you find the right property 要找到合適的住宅物業,你可直接與物業業主接洽,或委托持牌地產代理幫忙。

The above publicity campaign aims to reinforce the key message that building management is the responsibility of property owners 上述宣傳活動旨在傳遞樓宇管理是業主責任這個重要訊息。

An all - round building management and maintenance industry will help property owners in discharging their responsibility - 業界的角色全面的樓宇管理及維修服務業可協助業主履行其責任:

The property owner ' s daughter and boyfriend were arrested and are expected to appear in court thursday afternoon 房主的女兒及其男友已遭到逮捕并預計將會在周四下午的聽證會中出現。

Land leases and deeds of mutual covenant govern relationships among developers , property owners and building management 土地契約及大廈公契訂明發展商業主與樓宇管理之間的關系。

“ property owners must act for themselves and carry out timely maintenance of their own assets , “ he stressed 同建美好家園、共享優質生活,不單是政府的任務,也是業主的責任。

A number of support measures are in place to help property owners ensure the proper upkeep of their properties 我們知悉已有多項支援措施,協助業主確保其物業獲得妥善的保養。

Three property owners were convicted of tax evasion charges at the wanchai district court today ( december 5 ) 三名業主今日(十二月五日)于灣仔區域法院被判逃稅罪名成立。

17 07 2001 a new management concept for the 21st centuryi - urban realizes the needs of property owners on - line 17 07 2001廿一世紀物業管理新概念i - urban富城網全面照顧您需要

Three property owners were convicted of tax evasion charges at the wanchai district court today december 5 三名業主今日十二月五日于灣仔區域法院被判逃稅罪名成立。

We will consider how best to make property owners accept the importance of timely maintenance of their buildings 我們會研究如何令業主接受適時維修樓宇的重要性。

We will support property owners to eliminate illegal structures and guard against new illegal structures 我們會支援業主清除非法搭建物,防范新的非法搭建物滋生。

With the world population rising as quickly as it is , it is a very good idea to become a property owner 隨著世界人口如此快速地增長,擁有不動產是非常好的選擇。

B as mentioned in above , not all rental property owners elect to be charged under property tax 二正如回覆一所述,并非所有出租物業的業主均選擇繳納物業稅。

Affected property owners will be compensated fairly under the lands resumption ordinance . 24 根據收回土地條例的規定,受影響的物業業主均會獲得公平的補償。

09 which indicates that property owners are quite satisfied with the services of property management . 2 商品房的業主滿意程度高于售后房的業主滿意程度。